Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Erding, Germany

As I have decided to keep this blog going past my specific travels which started it, there will be current posts intermixing with my digesting of the experiences I have just returned from.  My posts won't necessarily be in chronological order, either, as they will most likely reflect my current ability to digest my experiences there.

A week ago today, I was in a little town in Germany called Erding, in my hotel room there after a 5 hour bus ride to the Munich airport and a taxi ride to my hotel, barely able to stay awake and therefore napping.  At some point I did walk around the town a bit just to see what it was like and to get a feel for the place.  This is not the most artistic photo, but you can get a feel for the architecture, you can see the stone walkways, and get some little feel (and for me a definable memory) of what little Erding was like:

And I found myself in a little park just on the edge of houses and business buildings.  I am generally fascinated by architecture because I feel it's a reflection of man's perception of life and nature, philosophy, etc., and feel it can exemplify how man interacts with life.  So, here I'm in the park but feel compelled by these little buildings and the stone pathway I was walking:

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